Paper Scissors Literary Magazine

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Guidelines & Submissions

Paper Scissors Literary Magazine is an online publication of unconventional, unusual short poetry and thematically-linked series of visual art including, but not limited to, photography, illustrations, prints, sketches, and images of paintings and sculptures.​

In both categories, think "way off the beaten path." The more bizarre and creative, the better. We are looking for a strong sense of self-investment in what you submit.​

Process and Publication​​

Paper Scissors Literary Magazine is published tri-annually. Our submission dates are posted online. A response to your submission can be expected during the month preceding the next publication. 

Poetry Submissions

​Poetry length should be limited to 40 lines or less. Shorter, cleanly-edited poems are given preference, but any format is welcome. Your poetry should be typed directly into an email or attached as any Mac-friendly file and formatted as you would like it to be presented. There is no limit to the number of pieces you can submit.​

Visual Art Submissions​

​This submission should be a series of 10 to 20 images capturing a consistent theme. They may or may not be published together. We might use the images as the cover page, as a featured installation, or to accompany other visual or written elements in the issue.​

​Mac is our operating system of choice. We accept JPEG, PNG, PDF, TIFF, and any artwork formatted within a digital media application including Sketchbook, Picasa, GIMP, and Adobe Photoshop. Basically, we want the ability to easily open your file and consider your art. Please send high resolution images only.​

Fine Print

Simultaneous submissions? Yes. Please notify us if your work is published elsewhere. Previously published work? Yes.

But please notify us if any of the pieces have been previously published at the time of submission, and please make sure all rights to the work remain yours.

By sending us your work, you are stating that the work is your own and does not infringe on any copyright. The rights of any work published in this magazine remain with the author. We reserve the right to use your work in all promotional material for the magazine. 

All submissions should include your name and a short bio (50 words or less).

Paper Scissors Literary Magazine